Increase Conversion Rates with Social Buttons

Social buttons are buttons you can use at your site that visitors can click to “Like” or share with their friends. Recent reports have shown that if these buttons are installed along with products or services offered there is a 25% higher increase that visitors are more likely to purchase the product or service than if you do not have these buttons available for their use. The only exception to this is with products or services that visitors would not want to let others know they are purchasing, such as weight loss products or acne medications.

Popular products or services that people will share with their friends include a large variety of products or services. Any type of fashion item is often shared, along with food and recipe items, home décor, hobby and sporting equipment and a variety of other products. Services are shared if they are popular services such as physical fitness or even top name plumbers. People are also more likely to share your products or services if it has a great product image. The better images you can use, along with the social buttons, the higher chance there is of people sharing the page with their social media network friends and followers.

The most popular social buttons to add to your site is Facebook, Google+, Twitter, Tumblr, Stumbleupon and YouTube if you have videos on your website. Some website services will allow you to choose any variety of these to add to your site through social media plugins. Or, you can go to each one of the social media websites and they will tell you how to add their social button to pages on your website. It can also help to ask people to share the page with their friends. People are much more likely to do things when asked to do. Just stating “If you like this _____ (Product, service, video, article, or whatever else you are referring to), then share it with your friends.”

Add social buttons to your site and make sure they show up easily on each page. This will increase conversion rates on your site and will also give your website a more social feeling. It is proven that people like and want things that other people like and want, so being able to portray that your products and services are liked through a variety of social media networks will automatically increase the popularity of your products and services.