A lot of people, including businesses, do not give a lot of thought to their email address. When you go to a site to sign up for your email, how many fun names come to mind? You might get a chuckle out of your email address choice at the time, but how does it affect…
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It’s a given fact that if you are a serious internet marketer, you need your own website, which means you need a domain. The first step is to find the perfect name for it. Choosing a domain name requires some thought, since it will be representing your business. So there are some guidelines to follow,…
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This is always a confusing topic for newcomers to internet marketing. It isn’t always easy to decide which products, services, or information will still be valuable to consumers weeks, months, or years from now. Newbies tend to put off their decision on their niche because they think that they have to stay with their decision,…
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Let’s face it. Link building is not easy. It takes time and effort, and does not happen in a short period of time. Although you can see some results immediately, the links you get may not be of the quality that you need to get your web site listed in the search engine results pages. …
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You are probably aware of the many changes that continue to happen in internet marketing. It seems like something newer and better is available every day. It’s always a good idea to keep up with the newer techniques, even though some of the older ones still work. But there are some you out there that…
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I can give you a complete step by step by guide to internet marketing that can show you how to succeed in this business, but it probably won’t do you any good. Ok, that might have angered you a bit, but before you discount that statement, let me tell you why that is true. Not…
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Even when you plan your vacation, you make plans. You decide when you will reach your destination, what you are going to do while you’re there, and when you will return home. Planning your business is not much different. You have to decide when you will launch your business, what you will do while you…
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As you start out in creating your internet marketing business, there is some work to be done. You should already have your vision for where you want to take your business, so it’s time to move on to the next step – setting your goals. Let me make something clear: your vision is the big…
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Before you even begin building your internet marketing business, it’s important to have a vision of what your business will be. Just like looking at the cover picture of a difficult jigsaw puzzle, you have to begin with the end in mind. Your vision should be of the big picture, and not the tiny pieces…
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You can find thousands of people that can tell you how to be an internet marketer. But it isn’t in the telling that makes you a success. Internet marketing is not just about telling people that you have something to sell that they want. Remember that NOBODY makes money unless somebody sells something. If you…
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