Seven Google+ Mistakes You Should Not Make

Not posting consistently is a common mistake that most people make when it comes to their Google+ page. A lot of people set up their page for their company almost immediately, but as usual, most people got busy and they were not able to keep up with their page. Being inconsistent on your Google+ page is a big mistake people make, because it throws people for a loop. You should try to post consistently, not just show up for a week at a time and then disappear.

Not posting photos is another thing that marketers have not taken advantage of when it comes to Google+. Google+ has an amazing platform for photo sharing, and most people are missing out on this. Always feel free to share your photos on Google+. A good combination of text and photos will keep people interested in your posts. Also, make sure that you never post boring photos. Give out photos that your visitors will be interested in, and it keeps them coming back for more!

Not applying for Direct Connect is another huge mistake that people are making. If you do not apply for Direct Connect you are going to be hindering your search engine optimization efforts. By not applying, your posts on Google+ will not show up in search engine results page. Therefore, make sure you have Direct Connect set up.

Google+ is still relatively new to most people, but it is definitely something you can use to your advantage. Just like with FaceBook and Twitter, you  definitely want to be able to harness some of the traffic that these websites get. Since Google+ is fairly new, we need all the tips we can get to help make your Google+ experience better. Therefore, if anyone else has some Google+ tips, please post in the comments section below and let us know what you think.