Tips To Improve Your Google+ Business Page

One of the great things about Google+ is the fact that it is very easy to hold actual conversations on the website and encourage responses, as well. As you get started with your Google+ account, make sure you fill out all of the basic information and then begin finding people to add to your circle that are in your field. After you find these people, try to encourage them to participate in conversations with you. You can achieve this by adding their name in the main post or a comment by typing a + sign in front of their name. For instance: +John Clifford. The user that you tag will receive a notification that you tagged them in a comment and they will get an invitation to respond.

Whenever you start conversation on Google+ or you post comments, try to include photos and videos. Unlike some of the other social media websites that only post a thumbnail image or a link to view the image off-site, Google+ allows their users to post videos and photos on their site and prominently display the images and videos on the page. Google+ also allows you to post large images, so make sure you are not posting small thumbnails that people have to strain their eyes to even see. You should try to upload bright and attractive images. This will grab attention and encourage users to participate in conversations. Not only that, but it will also encourage your followers to click through and go to our website.

If you have a blog I would highly suggest taking your blog posts and adding them to your Google+ page. This will get you a little more attention from search engines, plus it’s more content you are sharing on your Google+ page for your followers.

If you have any more tips that can be used to optimize a Google+ profile please list them below.