Social Media Marketing Success Requires LinkedIn

While many people are using LinkedIn to post resumes, there is so much more you can do as a professional and as a business. Many businesses are missing out on the more important benefits of an active presence on LinkedIn because they are unaware of many of the features that are available, and the fact…

Content Strategy for Social Media Marketing

Combining a strong content strategy with your social media marketing is one way to gain exposure and keep followers interested. Unfortunately, many online businesses become boring fast because they continue to release the same sort of content to the same audience. To keep that from happening to your online business, make sure you mix up…

Conversion Testing for Online Success

There are many elements that go into creating and sustaining a successful online presence. Whether you sell online or generate leads, design, development, search engine optimization, marketing and advertising are the elements that will make or break your business. But each of these elements is geared towards the final objective which is to gain profit…

Pros and Cons of Search Engine Optimization

If you have spent any time at all developing your online business presence, you have heard of search engine optimization (SEO), chances are you have made some attempts to implement best practices of SEO. What you might not know is that some SEO tactics could kill your website before you effectively launch it if you…

Facebook Creates Plugin for WordPress for Better Social Media Marketing

16.6 percent of the web is powered by WordPress including The New York Times and People Magazine. Sites ran through WordPress attract more than 600 million unique visitors each month. With these numbers, it only makes sense that Facebook would collaborate to create a plugin to help WordPress site owners the capability of integrating their…

Creating a Landing Page That Will Convert to Sales

Online activities are about getting people to your website and converting them into paying customers. If people are coming to your website and not converting to customers at a reasonable amount, then you will want to redesign your landing page to boost your conversion rates. The first and most important thing to look at is…

Social Sharing to Increase Website Traffic

Making sales or generating leads on the internet depends on getting people to your website and there is no better way to get them there other than social sharing. While advertising can be effective, social sharing establishes trust faster than advertising. With added trust, people are more apt to follow through to register or purchase…

The Importance of Measuring Social Media Return on Investment

Social media marketing efforts is one of the most confusing campaign types to measure return on investment for, but is just as important as measuring any other type of business building effort. While many social media marketing events do not require a financial expense, unless you are paying staff members to facilitate them or content…

Online Business Building Customer Participation

The best way to build your business online is to create customers that become advocates for your brand. When customers love your business, they will support it by talking about it and becoming engaged at your site and social media sites. This form of customer participation is the biggest contributor to gaining new customers. This…

How Images and Video Influence Purchasing Behavior

If you are wondering how to increase your online business profits, then understanding how images and video influence purchasing behavior is a critical aspect of gaining an edge on your competition. While written content is crucial, people need a more holistic experience of products and services. Even the most descriptive phrasing can’t take place of…