Facebook Timeline for Brand Pages

Facebook plans to roll out Facebook Timeline for brand pages by Wednesday, February 29th. The Facebook Timeline of personal accounts has been out since last September, and while many people have made the switch, there are still quite few people using the old Facebook page instead. As a business wanting to keep a progressive image, the savvy businesses will update their Facebook Timeline as soon as they are able to.

While many businesses are scratching their heads wondering how to capitalize on the new Facebook Timeline for Brand Pages, other businesses are using it as an opportunity to engage with their followers by asking opinions about what the public would like to see on their Facebook Timeline Brand Page, launching contests to see who can design the best Facebook Timeline banner for their business and otherwise creating a buzz about what the public can hope to expect from their particular Facebook Timeline Brand Page.

The cover image banner is the first thing that will be noticed on the Facebook Timeline for Brand Pages and making sure your business has one that will immediately catch visitors attention is very important. While you want to use good branding practices, you also want to shoot for the heart and capture people’s emotions and imagination. The best image size for the banner should be 851px wide and 315px tall.

Along with aiming to capture visitor’s attention with the cover image banner on your Facebook Timeline Brand Page, include a call to action so visitors are clearly asked for what you would like them to do. Whether it is “Like” your Facebook Brand Page, enter a contest or sign up for a free promotional eBook, make sure it is clearly stated where visitors will notice it right away.

The final element to highlight on your Facebook Timeline Brand Page is a short and concise introduction to your company. “We Make Cooking Easy” would be a great explanation for a business that sells kitchen accessories. This allows visitors to know that you are offering solutions to them that will help them in the kitchen.

When you use an attention grabbing Facebook Timeline cover image banner, include a call to action and a short description about your business you are going to be able to use the Facebook Timeline for brand pages to encourage more visitors to become follower of your Facebook Brand Page. You are also going to increase exposure for your business and further enhance your business image.