Whenever your business plans any type of event, whether it a webinar or networking event, using social media marketing to increase the attendance can help you reach the highest potential of success for the event. It also gives you leeway to get a lot of additional marketing out of the event from posting about what the event features, reminders for those who have RSVP’d and of course after event images (When available) are always a great way to stay engaged.
Facebook Events is one of the most popular applications because you can create an invent and conveniently create an invitation list, track to see who is able to make it, add additional notes, directions and any other particulars that attendees may need to know about ahead of time. You can also allow those invited to invite others that would be interested in the event if you are working to get a high number of attendees.
Tweeting the event, along with a link to where people can learn more about the event and register, with a hashtag that signals what the event is about is also a popular way to announce events to those who might be interested. For example, #FreeWAHWebinar would be a way to get the attention of those who are looking to get a work at home job for additional income.
When listing your event, especially if it is online, it is important to note if a recording will be available afterwards. That way people who are interested but may not be able to attend due to time constraints can still register and receive a recording of your business event at a later date. It is also helpful to have a recording to feature for future promotional marketing campaigns.
Hosting webinars or other online networking events is a great way to use social media marketing to increase brand exposure and connect with people who are most likely to purchase your products. There are free webinar applications you can use that integrate with Skype, or Google Hangouts is getting to be a favorite spot for all sorts of meeting including webinars, social events, business meetings, brain storming sessions and even group coaching and training events. When people are excited about the event you offer and can easily share it with others they think would be interested you will gain additional word of mouth marketing as well.