Tag Archive: advertising

The Starting Line in Internet Marketing

In beginning your adventures in internet marketing, you already have some inkling of what you need to do in order to be successful.  You have to have a great product or service, a strong web presence, customer trust, and a good business reputation.  And it’s a sure bet that the previous sentence starting a whirlwind…

Social Media Grows Up

Face it: you’re getting older. But you’re getting better, too, and you can cite Pew Research’s recent report as proof. Pew Research recently published a study which shows that adult Internet users are accessing social media in greater numbers than before. In fact, 65% of all adult Internet users—fully two-thirds—use social media on a regular…

Build Your Business with Pay Per Click Advertising

Pay per click (PPC) advertising has become a popular way to get your ads seen while controlling your marketing budget. If you have a small- to medium-sized business, your budget is probably not that large for your advertising needs. While you still want to grow your business, you don’t want to waste your marketing dollars…