Tag Archive: internet marketing

Does Word Count Really Make a Difference When it Comes to Blog Posts?

Do you remember the days when you used to have to sit in a class room all day long, listening to a teacher for what seemed to be countless hours? Well, do you remember the days when that teacher would expect an essay out of her students? If so, you will probably recall another student…

Internet Marketing Goes Global

A lot of internet marketers are beginning to think global, and they should.  The internet has made the world a bit smaller, allowing businesses to market to potential customers all over the world.  But there are some challenges in getting into global marketing.  The biggest one is the language barrier.  For example, most online searches…

Keywords are the Key in Internet Marketing

Many internet marketers think that keyword research is a preliminary measure in their search engine optimization efforts, but it is fundamental to all facets of marketing.  It is not only for an internet site to land high in the search engine results page, but also applies to traditional brick and mortar businesses and other aspects…

Keep Up with the Latest and Greatest

Internet marketing is more than just following some good techniques.  It is also about keeping up with the latest technology in order to improve on or automate your marketing efforts.  So how do you keep up with the latest and greatest widgets, gadgets, and developments?  Some people just have their local friendly geek call them…

Managing Customer Information in Marketing

Internet marketing is more than just advertising your product and getting people to visit your web site, read your content, and buy products.  It’s about getting repeat business as well as finding new customers.  This means collecting some information in order to know your target market.  For example, if you were buying a gift for…

Sure Fire Customer Care Tips

The first thing for any internet marketer to learn is that people that are surfing the internet aren’t looking to buy something.  They are looking for help in improving their situation.  Once you have a strong grasp on that concept, your internet marketing strategy will seem a lot less confusing. The best way to make…

Countering Customer Complaints

It is a proven fact that people act differently on the internet than they do face to face.  They get a bit more aggressive then they would if they were standing in front of you.  People expect more out of internet businesses, which is good.  It holds businesses to higher customer service standards. But similar…

Backup Your Backup

With the world’s growing dependence on the internet, there is a lot of information tucked away through online sources as well locally offline.  On a daily basis, people use their computers to transmit files and other data to remote coworkers or to sharing sites where more than one person can access the information at the…

Give a Reward Now Get a Reward in the Future

If your internet business centers on info products, there is a little known trick that works very well in promoting your products.  After releasing several products of my own and taking some great advice from other internet marketers I discovered this method of promotion through a bit of trial and error.  It isn’t difficult to…

Over Advertising Can Be Fatal

From the first day that you publish your website, you plan your strategy for monetizing it.  It’s every internet marketers dream to have a great stream of income from their affiliate links.  But a lot of websites fail because of their advertising practices.  You can have the best content on the internet, but it won’t…