Author Archives: Daniel

How to Leverage the New LinkedIn

LinkedIn is making some big changes and although they are still not quite as up to par with many marketers as Facebook, there are significant marketing implications, especially if your company offers business to business services. The most recent update LinkedIn has made is recreating the homepage to look more modern. It’s obviously heavily inspired…

Reviews for Building Business

One of the biggest keyword phrases is the name of a product or service and “reviews”. What that tells us is that consumers want to learn about what others think before they invest their own money, especially into a product or service they are not familiar with. Because of this, offering reviews of your products…

How Being too Professional Can Hurt Your Online Success

Businesses interested in creating relationships that will lead to more sales and higher conversion rates are the most successful when they keep in mind that relationship building requires much more than being able to write content that would compete with a doctorate thesis. No matter how professional your brand is, if it can’t portray that…

Visual Content for Social Media Marketing

The most successful social media marketers know that visual content is King and while it will be a long time before written content is replaced as the King of the Internet, if you don’t have visual appeal, you will flounder at the depths of the social media market. To get noticed on the top Social…

Increase Visitor’s Time at Site for Improved Online Performance

When the search engines see that people are hanging around your site for awhile, they think it must be because you have great content worth featuring in their search pages. The result is they will rank you higher and more people will find your site to give you the opportunity for increased sales. Of course,…

Increase Online Success by Increasing Brand Trust

With so many websites that people can make purchases from, and how many horror stories there are about people purchasing from a website that lacks any level of professional integrity, people are becoming very careful in regard to what businesses they will trust enough to give their information to, let alone make a purchase from….

How to Find Your Target Market for Online Business Building

The most important thing you can do for your business is to learn everything you can about your target market in order to focus your marketing efforts and business image around attracting them to purchase your products and services. Even the most robust marketing campaign is not going to be effective if it doesn’t end…

Increase Conversion from Sales Funnel Leads

For all the efforts you are making with social media marketing and SEO optimization of your business website and social media pages, and for the lead generation campaigns that you drive through all these activities, the conversion rate is the final factor in determining the success of your business. Knowing how to work with those…

Create Content that Will Leave the Competition in the Dust

Any online marketer knows that content is King, and that to rank highly in the search engines, that content has to be valuable and created on a consistent basis. Written content is the most important and will continue to be for quite some time, and even though videos are important, creating written summaries of them…

Businesses Flocking to Instagram

Facebook recently purchased Instagram for $1 billion which should be the proof businesses need that this photo sharing application is something worth the time and effort to create a presence on. Instagram is a photo sharing application that is catching on in big ways. Basically, it allows you to take pictures from your camera phone,…